Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Decided to be productive today so I got dressed up and went to a few meetings. Mostly business, but I did get to stop and have lunch with Leila, she came up to the mountains so we can spend Christmas Eve together. I was able to get some inspiration for my fall collection from my surroundings up here, it's truly beautiful, so I have started sketching again.
I also had to sit through a meeting regarding my designing career, or lack there of. I was grilled for not releasing anything official in the past two years, but there always seems to be so many issues in the way of me releasing DbG. I want to wait until whatever I design is ready, I'd rather wait and release something I think is amazing than something I'm not sure about. 
Anyways, I'm back home now, typing this up as the snow continues to fall outside. I think I'll go make myself some hot chocolate or something, I deserve it for making it through the day, right?

Monday, December 19, 2011

Since it's getting close to Christmas time, I've made my way up to my Chalet for the winter, I plan on staying here until it's New Years Eve, maybe stay a little longer to do some skiing after that! 
I must admit though, I do get lonely every now and then... 
But I've been lucky enough to be close to my friends up here, Sam even has her own Chalet just a couple of minutes away, so we've been spending a lot of time together. I love Christmas, so I've been working like mad to get the place decorated, and I'll be cooking up some Christmas treats in a little while! Things are about to get super stressful, but for now I'll just relax in  the beauty all around me.


It's getting close to Christmas time again, and I've decided to kick start the season by bringing back my blog...I got myself an early Christmas gift and bought myself some new DvF clothes, I love them!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

I did it! After a long flight I've finally arrived in my beach villa!  Its beautiful isn't it?!

After a day of my interior design skills (or lack there of!) I fixed it all up! What do you think?

I'm really looking forward to some relaxing times and just laying back and enjoying the sounds of the ocean and the sea breezes. This is going to be, amazing!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Its been awhile since I last posted on here...I'm trying to keep up with this blog and post at least once a day...

[photo: random headshot for fun]

Anyways, so lately I've been working hard at getting my work done, I've signed a couple of deals for some upcoming projects that I'm excited about...I'll be working heavily with some of my best friends so that's always a plus! 

Today was a slow and tiring day, all the work I had to do seemed to just be lagging on forever. I finally was able to pull myself away and just sit down and update the blog. 

Hm...what else can I tell you guys...

I'm working on  a Diva by Gwen Spring photoshoot! I'm really excited, I'm working with my DbG team member, Jen, and I'm super pumped for that...

[photo: Me with Jen from my cellphone]

As I already said, I'm working on some other things that I can't really discuss yet....(thats always a good sign )

Oh! And in my personal life I just signed a DEAL to own a beach house on the shore, can you imagine? I'll be the official owner of my very own vacation home, I'm super excited. I just bought some plane tickets, I'm heading down there in the next couple of days!

I guess I'll talk to you guys later...I'll be tweeting constantly though! @diva6723

Thursday, May 19, 2011

TWITPIC: Got my hair chopped off! Feel weird with short hair again :O